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The Victor Schnitzer z'l Youth Department at Ohab Zedek

Victor Schnitzer z'l, was a beloved husband, father, son, and brother and a very dear friend.

His warmth, kindness, and humor left a lasting impression on the Upper West Side community.

Victor was deeply committed to the Youth Department of Congregation Ohab Zedek, where he was the driving force of the teen minyan and youth programming for many years.

We will honor Victor's warmth, generosity, and devotion to Jewish Children by dedicating our Youth Department in his memory.

On his first Yahrzeit, we will gather to dedicate the Victor Schnitzer Youth Department at Ohab Zedek and publicly recognize all of his friends who participated in establishing this fund.

Names of friends who make contributions of $5,000 or more to the Victor Schnitzer Youth Department will be engraved on a Commemorative Plaque to be prominently placed upon entry to the synagogue.

Click here for more information on our Youth Dept. and its programs. 

Enter in amount if different from categories above.

Will You Be Attending Our Annual Dinner on March 28?

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Please list how you would like your name(s) to appear on the dedication.

Fri, May 3 2024 25 Nisan 5784