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OZ 5783: Yom Kippur Schedule + Seats + Sukkos + More...

10/04/2022 09:15:30 AM


Logo for Congregation Ohab Zedek

Yom Kippur Note


The exhilaration of the approaching Kol Nidrei Eve stirs us to review and renew the commitments we have made over the past year and for the year ahead. Click HERE to access your account and enter Yom Kippur with a Clean Slate!


If you will be joining us for Yom Kippur, your seats will be listed below or sent to the primary reservation. If you haven't yet reserved your seats, we invite you to join us by clicking HERE. We are proud to offer one of the lowest membership rates in New York City - so the funds raised from the High Holiday Seats Sale and our Kol Nidrei Appeal assist us with with closing out the calendar year. No one will ever be turned away for the High Holidays, so please contact the office if you require assistance with any of these matters.


The schedule for Yom Kippur is posted below.




We are proud to once again offer a High Holiday Youth Program. This is not a drop-off service, all registered children must have a parent in Shul. Click HERE to RSVP.


At Yizkor on Wednesday, we come to honor the memories of those we hold dear. If you are unable to join this service, we are proud assist you in memorializing your loved one. Click HERE to make Yizkor, Yarzheit, Kaddish, or Memorial Arrangements.


On this Yom Kippur Eve, we ask not only for your commitment, but also for your forgiveness. A synagogue office is a busy one, especially preceding the High Holidays. If we dropped a call, missed a letter, or accidentally looked over any other matter, please take to heart that these mistakes were not intentional. Indeed, we are always looking to improve and welcome constructive suggestions and feedback.


Wishing you a Shana Tova,


Chad Hopkovitz, Executive Director
Beverly Raskind-Markowitz, Office Manager

Printable Pages & Len's Links

  • Whats Happening - Click HERE

  • ArtScroll Print-Out: The Service of the Kohen Gadol - Click HERE

  • Steinsaltz Print-Out: Torah Readings for Yom Kippur - Click HERE

  • Tzurba M'Rabana: Selected Laws of Yom Kippur - Click HERE

  • Anshei Printable Divrei Torah: Yom Kippur - Click HERE 

  • OZ 5783 Yizkor Book  - Click HERE

Welcome New Members

The Fall 2022 MEMBERSHIP DRIVE has been extended through Sukkos — join now at!

  • Sam & Kate Archibald
  • Daniel Farb
  • Jennifer Goldman
  • Todd & Anna Schwartz
  • Avi Ishofsky & Barrie Weinstein
  • Caileigh Weiss
  • Joseph & Rachel Offenbacher
  • Avi & Tamar Siegel

Sukkos @ Ohab Zedek

  • Lulav Orders have sold-out and pick-up details have been emailed. If you still need a Lulav, please patronize West Side Judaica (please do not take a Lulav from OZ if you have not ordered one in advance)
  • The Lower Sukkah will be available for Quick Kiddush following all minyanim (Leshev, Mezonos, HaGefen).
  • The Upper Sukkah is available to BYOM - Bring Your Own Meal - please RSVP for spots at
  • Catered Meals will also be available ('Simple Sukkah Seudah'), RSVP is required in advance by clicking HERE.
  • Join our Carlos & Gabby's MexiKiddush on Shabbos Chol HaMoed at


Tuesday, October 4, 2022 | 9 Tishrei 5783
Erev Yom Kippur

  • 1:15pm Early Mincha (Gedola)
  • 4:15pm Late Mincha (Ketana)
  • 6:15pm Candles
  • 6:20pm Kol Nidrei (starting with Tefillas Zaka)
  • 6:20pm Youth Program

Wednes., October 5, 2022 | 10 Tishrei 5783
Yom Kippur

  • 7:00am Hashkama in Bet Medrash
  • 8:15am Main Sanctuary Service
  • 8:45am Youth Program
  • 10:45am Yizkor
  • 5:00pm Mincha
  • 6:25pm Neilah
  • 7:20pm Tekia Gedola, followed by Maariv & Havdalah


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784