Jake & Helen Guz, on the birth of a granddaughter Avigayil Perel — a daughter born to Stephanie & Jake Rimberg
Michal Berezin, on her engagement to Nathan Denicoff
Chazan Ari Mandelbaum, on his engagement to Sarah Stiefel
Robert Lunzer, on his retirement After 31.5 years at Israel Bonds. He would like to thank all who have invested over this period and helped him reach his goals
Cholent Kiddush
The Berlin Family - we love cholent!
Jake & Helen Guz, on the birth of their granddaughter Avigayil Perel
Lily, Talia, and Aliza Hopkovitz, in honor of Savta’s, Leah’s & Mindy’s Birthdays!
Dan Kimchi & Miriam Silverstein, for the Yarzheit of Dan’s father Shlomo ben Yehoshua z’l
The Kramer Family, in memory of Abraham Kramer’s Bar Mitzvah Parsha
Joe & Carol Tuchman, in honor of Rabbi Schwartz, Rabbi Varon, Yoni Vega & all the Officers, Paul Wachtel, Allen Katz, and the Office & Maintenance Staff for their efforts for OZ!
Yoni & Karyn Vega, to our Gabbaim and their endless effort to keep OZ vibrant and ever reliable!
Friday Night Sephardic Minyan
Ari & Merav Samuel, in honor of their anniversary!
Natanella Har-Sinay, Esther Rimokh, Binyanim Radensky, Charles & Marjorie Gross
Winter Special: Kiddush Series — Join our Sponsors List at www.OZNY.org/Kiddush
12/03 - Allen’s Cholent Challenge: How many different types of cholent will there be?
Saturday Night Chai — www.OZNY.org/Play — Featuring Music from the OZ House Band
Kick-off the Winter Season on Dec. 3 @ 7:30pm with the Solo Performance of Charles Gross’ Play: “How I found and affordable apartment in Manhattan without really trying”
Monday Night Mishmar w/Rabbi Schwartz - www.OZNY.org/Mishmar (Note new time)
7:15pm: Mitzvah Chaburah
8:00pm: Late Maariv
8:15pm: Tanach: Tehillim
WIN: Women in Network on Dec. 5 @ 6:30pm — RSVP & Sponsor at www.OZNY.org/WIN
with Liz Wallenstein: “How To Get Miraculously Married, with the Therapist who Has Been There!”
Live @ 95 with Micah Halpern: Bible Behind the Scenes — www.OZNY.org/Live
Thursday, Dec. 8 @ 7:00pm — Sons of Keturah & The Far East
Thursday, Dec. 16 @ 7:00pm — Joseph & The Egyptian Dynasties
Get COZY this Winter with Congregation Ohab Zedek Youth!
Dec. 16 @ 5:30pm - Friday Night Dinner: www.OZNY.org/Event/GameNightDinner2022
Friday, Dec. 2, 2022 (Kislev 8) 4:11pm Candle Lighting 4:20pm Zman Mincha Maariv in Main Shul 4:20pm Sephardic Minyan in Bet Medrash
Shabbos, December 3, 2022: Vayeitzei (Kislev 9) 7:30am Hashkama Minyan in Main Shul 8:45am Haftorah Class in Library 9:15am Main Shul Minyan (Shema by 9:24a) Kiddush: Allen’s Cholent Challenge 3:30pm Afternoon Groups in Social Hall 3:30pm Text & Context Class with R’ Varon 3:50pm Mincha 4:10pm Men's Daf Yomi in Library 4:10pm Shalosh Seudos in Bet Medrash 5:10pm Maariv 5:19pm Havdalah 6:30pm Parent Child Learning in Social Hall 7:30pm Saturday Night Chai in Bet Medrash
Monday, December 5 (Kislev 11) ***Add “V’Ten Tal U’Matar” at Maariv*** Shacharis 6:00am, 6:50am, 7:50am 4:20pm Zman Mincha Maariv 6:30pm WIN in Social Hall 7:15pm Mitzvah Class: Minchas Chinuch 8:00pm Late Maariv 8:15pm Tanach Class: Tehillim & King David 9:00pm Women’s Emunah on Zoom
Tuesday, December 6 (Kislev 12) Shacharis 6:10am, 7:00am, 8:00am 4:20pm Zman Mincha Maariv 7:30pm TNLP on Zoom 8:00pm Late Maariv
Wednesday, December 7 (Kislev 13) Shacharis 6:10am, 7:00am, 8:00am 2:00pm Tzurba: Kosher 4:20pm Zman Mincha Maariv 8:00pm Late Maariv 9:00pm Women’s Emunah on Zoom
Thursday, December 8 (Kislev 14) Shacharis 6:00am, 6:50am, 7:50am 4:20pm Zman Mincha Maariv 7:00pm Micah Halpern: Bible Behind the Scenes 8:00pm Late Maariv
The tensions that come with family can be both complex and complicated. We sometimes support each other, and at times, we compete. And there are so many different ways to understand the thoughts and motivations of parents and grandparents, our children, our siblings, our cousins, our aunts, and our uncles. We can be furious at them or feel very loving toward them, and sometimes we feel both at once.
How do we wind our way through this maze, and what counts as "successful"? Who would you choose if you had a magic wand that put you into the mind/heart of someone in your family? Who would you choose to give the wand to in order for them to understand you?
Reflections on Genesis 30:14-25
Congregation Ohab Zedek 118 West 95th Street New York, NY 10025