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OZ Weekly: Beshalach 5783 - Nach Shabbat, Tu B'Shevat, Bubble Show, and More!

02/03/2023 12:20:52 PM


Click HERE for Printable OZ Weekly: Beshalach 5783 / 2023

Welcome to Ms. Elana Flaumenhaft noted educator, popular speaker, and Associate Principal at the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls of the Hebrew Academy of Long Beach (SKA HALB) - as she speaks at O.Z. this Shabbos Morning as part of the O.U. Women's Initiative Nach Shabbat


  • ArtScroll Shabbos Table - click HERE   
  • RZA HaMizrachi Parsha - click HERE
  • Rabbi Dr. Lamm z'l - click HERE
  • Anshe Divrei Torah - click HERE
  • Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z'l - click HERE
  • YUTorah in Print - click HERE



OU Nach Shabbat @ OZ

  • 11:00am Elana Flaumenhaft: “Chuldah HaNeviah - Her Prophecy & Her Power”
  • 4:00pm Text & Context with Rabbi Schwartz - “Zeh Keli V’Anvehu”
  • 5:00pm Shalosh Seudos with Rabbi Schwartz - “Shiras Devorah”
  • OU Women’s Initiative Nach Yomi starts Tehillim on February 3 -

Mazel Tov

  • Anat & Gabe Levi, on the bris of their grandson A.J. - Aharon Yaakov
  • Rabbi Tsvi Blanchard & Naomi Mark, on the birth of 2 new grandchildren - a daughter born to Elana & Yaakov Goldsmith in Israel and a son born to Tamar & Adam Winer in Riverdale

Shabbos Shira @ OZ

  • Riva Atlas & David Atik, in memory of Riva's parents, Raizel Gitel bat Baruch z’l and Moshe ben Yitzchak z’l, who raised their three daughters to love learning

 Hashkama Kiddush

  • Alan Nussbaum, in memory of his grandfather Abraham Nussbaum - Abraham Aba ben Chaim Yisrael z’l

Tu B’Shevat Seder — RSVP & Sponsor at

  • Sarah Stamber & Shlomo Bar-Ayal, in memory of Hudis Malka bas Gershon z’l
  • Shira & Jeff Korenman, in memory of Ahuva bas Yosef z’l

Late @ 8 — Keep the Minyan Momentum Going!

Upcoming Events —

  • Feb. 5 Sunday 6:00p Annual Tu B’Shevat Seder & Sushi:
  • Feb. 10 Friday 5:15p Sephardic Monthly Friday Night Minyan & Mezzeh
  • Feb. 12 Sunday 5:45p Annual Super Bowl Dinner Party
  • Feb. 16 Thursday 7:15p Live@95 with Micah Halpern: Bible Behind the Scenes
  • February 17-18 Shabbos Scholar in Residence Weekend w/Rabbi Chaim Jachter
  • March 25-26 Shabbos Scholar in Residence Weekend w/Rabbi Dr. Josh Berman
  • ‘March Madness’ returns with a new series of ‘Views from the Pews’ to prepare for Pesach, including Gerry Adler, Esq., Dr. Charles Savenor, and Rabbi Stephen Friedman

Young @ Heart — For your kids, grandkids, nieces, and nephews!

  • Youth Events info at or
  • Join us Sunday, February 5 @ 10:00am for the Bubble Show in honor of Tu B’Shevat
  • Please note, the next Parent Child Learning will now take place Sat. Night Feb. 18
  • Shabbat Afternoon Groups meet February 4, 11 & 25 (not meeting Presidents Weekend)

Community Announcements… 

  • Join your OZ & UWS Friends for a Fabulous Pesach in Italy! Includes Singles Program and Family Friendly! Contact Sarah Stambler for info:
  • Gam Zuli, a new dating platform for Observant Singles has launched and registration is free for a limited time at


Friday, February 3, 2023  (Shevat 12)

  • Shacharis    6:10am, 7:00am, 8:00am
  • 4:58pm Candle Lighting
  • 5:10pm Zman Mincha Maariv

Shabbos, February 4, 2023  (Shevat 13)

  • 7:30am Hashkama Minyan in Bet Medrash
  • 8:45am Haftorah Class in Main Shul
  • 9:15am  Main Sanctuary Minyan
  • 11:00am Guest Speaker: Elana Flaumenhaft
  • Youth Groups in the School Building
  • 4:00pm Afternoon Groups in the Social Hall
  • 4:00pm Text & Context in the Main Shul
  • 4:40pm Mincha in Main Shul
  • 5:00pm Men's Daf Yomi (in Library)
  • 5:00pm Shalosh Seudos in Bet Medrash
  • 6:00pm Maariv in Main Shul
  • 6:07pm Havdalah

Sunday, February 5, 2023  (Shevat 14)

  • Shacharis 7:00am, 8:00am
  • 10:00am Youth: Bubble Show
  • 5:10pm Zman Mincha Maariv
  • 6:00pm Tu B’Shevat Seder (RSVP Required)

Monday, February 6, 2023  (Shevat 15)
Tu B’Shevat

  • Shacharis 6:00am, 6:50am, 7:50am
  • 5:10pm Zman Mincha Maariv
  • 7:15pm Mitzvah Chaburah (Library & Zoom)
  • 8:00pm Late Maariv in Main Shul
  • 8:15pm Tanach Shiur (Library & Zoom)

Tuesday, February 7, 2023  (Shevat 16)

  • Shacharis 6:10am, 7:00am, 8:00am
  • 5:10pm Zman Mincha Maariv
  • 7:30pm TNLP on Zoom
  • 8:00pm Late Maariv

 Wednesday, February 8, 2023  (Shevat 17)

  • Shacharis 6:10am, 7:00am, 8:00am
  • 2:00pm Tzurba Shiur: Kosher
  • 5:10pm Zman Mincha Maariv
  • 8:00pm Late Maariv

Thursday, February 9, 2023  (Shevat 18)

  • Shacharis 6:00am, 6:50am, 7:50am
  • 5:10pm Zman Mincha Maariv
  • 8:00pm Late Maariv

Friday, February 10, 2023  (Shevat 19)

  • Shacharis 6:10am, 7:00am, 8:00am
  • 5:06pm Candle Lighting
  • 5:15pm Zman Mincha Maariv
  • 5:15pm Sephardic Minyan & Mezzeh in BM

Stay Up-To-Date

Men’s Daf Yomi -

  • Sunday: 8:45am, Monday-Friday: 7:00am
  • Shabbat: after Mincha, Yom Tov: before Mincha


What nourishment do you need daily? There is, of course, food and drink. But other things feed us and with which we feed others: love, nature, beauty in art and music, challenges, inspiration, new ideas, engaging questions, and conversations. They provide meaning, satisfaction, and spiritual sustenance for us. We are careful about how much we experience them each day. They lose their flavor and power if we have too much at once. Living a good life means trusting that every day, we will have what we need to sustain us physically, intellectually, psychologically, and spiritually
Reflections on Exodus 16:4. 
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784