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OZ Weekly: Yisro 5783 - Meaningful Minyanin, Mezzeh, and More!

02/10/2023 11:58:20 AM


Click HERE for Printable OZ Weekly: Yisro 5783 / 2023


  • ArtScroll Shabbos Table - click HERE   
  • RZA HaMizrachi Parsha - click HERE
  • Rabbi Dr. Lamm z'l - click HERE
  • Anshe Divrei Torah - click HERE
  • Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z'l - click HERE
  • YUTorah in Print - click HERE




  • Upper West Side Yoetzet Halacha Ellin Cooper will be visiting OZ on Shabbos Morning — please say ‘hi!’ during Shul or at Kiddush

Mazel Tov

  • Ira & Marsi Tokayer, on the wedding of their daughter Genie & Yair Knoller


  • Harley Schnall & Andrea Hale, on the passing of Harley’s mother Julia Schnall z’l
  • Michael & Alison Novich, and Jeremy Novich, on the passing of their father Ira Novich z’l

Delicious Kiddush

  • Mendy & Rikki Gross, for the Yarzheit of Mendy’s mother Charlotte Gross - Sarah bas Chaim z’l
  • Sarah & Eric London, for the 10th Yarzheit of Sarah’s mother Carol Goldish - Gittel Freidel bas Chaim Yehoshua z’l

Sephardic Monthly Minyan & Mezzeh

  • Avi & Aviva Assaban, Leilu Neshamot for Odette bat Avraham z’l, Shimon ben Avraham z’l & Mirian bat Aharon z’l; and for Refuah Shlemah for Yosef ben Ester

 Afternoon Groups

  • Anonymous, “in honor of our amazing OZ youth leaders, Nava Silton & Ariel Brandwein “

Late @ 8 — Keep the Minyan Momentum Going!

 Upcoming Events —

  • Feb. 16 Thursday 7:15p Live@95 with Micah Halpern: Bible Behind the Scenes
  • Febru. 17-18 Shabbos Scholar in Residence Weekend w/Rabbi Chaim Jachter
  • ‘March Madness’ returns with a new series of ‘Views from the Pews’ to prepare for Pesach, including Gerry Adler, Esq., Dr. Charles Savenor, and Rabbi Stephen Friedman

 Young @ Heart - For your kids, grandkids, nieces, and nephews! -

  • Sunday Funday @ 12:00pm — Annual Touchdown, Tailgate, and Torah Party
  • Please note, the next Parent Child Learning will now take place Sat. Night Feb. 18
  • Shabbat Afternoon Groups continue, this week at 4:00pm

Community Announcements… 

  • Join your OZ & UWS Friends for a Fabulous Pesach in Italy! Includes Singles Program and Family Friendly! Contact Sarah Stambler for info:
  • Gam Zuli, a new dating platform for Observant Singles has launched and registration is free for a limited time at


Friday, February 10, 2023  (Shevat 19)

  • Shacharis    6:10am, 7:00am, 8:00am
  • 5:06pm       Candle Lighting
  • 5:15pm       Zman Mincha Maariv
  • 5:15pm       Sephardic Minyan & Mezzeh in BM

Shabbos, February 11, 2023  (Shevat 20)

  • 7:30am       Hashkama Minyan in Bet Medrash
  • 8:45am       Haftorah Class with Rabbi Schwartz
  • 9:15am       Main Sanctuary Minyan
  • Youth Groups in the School Building
  • Delicious Kiddush in the Bet Medrash
  • 4:00pm Text & Context with Rabbi Schwartz
  • 4:00pm Afternoon Groups in the Social Hall
  • 4:45pm Mincha in Main Shul
  • 5:05pm Men's Daf Yomi (in Library)
  • 5:05pm Shalosh Seudos in Bet Medrash
  • 6:05pm Maariv in Main Shul
  • 6:16pm Havdalah

Sunday, February 12, 2023  (Shevat 21)

  • Shacharis 7:00am, 8:00am
  • 12:00pm Youth: Touchdown, Tailgate, Torah
  • 5:15pm Zman Mincha Maariv

Monday, February 13, 2023  (Shevat 22)

  • Shacharis 6:00am, 6:50am, 7:50am
  • 5:15pm Zman Mincha Maariv
  • 7:15pm Mitzvah Chaburah NOT MEETING
  • 8:00pm Late Maariv in Main Shul
  • 8:15pm Tanach Shiur (Zoom Only This Week)

Tuesday, February 14, 2023  (Shevat 23)

  • Shacharis 6:10am, 7:00am, 8:00am
  • 5:15pm Zman Mincha Maariv
  • 7:30pm TNLP on Zoom
  • 8:00pm Late Maariv

Wednesday, February 15, 2023  (Shevat 24)

  • Shacharis 6:10am, 7:00am, 8:00am
  • 2:00pm Tzurba Shiur: Kosher
  • 5:15pm Zman Mincha Maariv
  • 8:00pm Late Maariv

Thursday, February 16, 2023  (Shevat 25)

  • Shacharis 6:00am, 6:50am, 7:50am
  • 5:15pm Zman Mincha Maariv
  • 7:00pm Bible Behind the Scenes in Library
  • 8:00pm Late Maariv

Friday, February 17, 2023  (Shevat 26)

  • Shacharis 6:10am, 7:00am, 8:00am
  • 5:15pm Candle Lighting
  • 5:25pm Zman Mincha Maariv
  • 8:30pm OZ | Oneg with Rabbi Chaim Jachter

Stay Up-To-Date

Men’s Daf Yomi -

  • Sunday: 8:45am, Monday-Friday: 7:00am
  • Shabbat: after Mincha, Yom Tov: before Mincha


  • In our world of so many different and opposite kinds of things, is there an underlying unity? For the Greeks,  maybe water, maybe matter, or maybe mind. Or, for the more mystically inclined, the creative, world-ordering presence of the Divine. In our own lives as well we may ask:  Is there any way to bring together our many different wants, goals, drives, interests, theories and perceptions? Is there somehow a "unity", a unifying task, purpose or goal to our existence?  Such unity seems to require a conjunction of opposites--different things somehow paradoxically actually being the same. And it is not not very easy for us to see how even the Creator of the world would be able to achieve such a joining of opposites. How is it, then, that we seem to live in one world and in many worlds all at the same time?   
  • Reflections on Exodus 20:1ff and rabbinic commentary on the Ten commandments 
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784