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OZ Weekly: Tetzaveh / Zachor 5783 - Views from Pews, Persian Kiddush, + More

03/03/2023 12:03:20 PM


Click HERE for Printable OZ Weekly: Tetzaveh 5783 / 2023


  • ArtScroll Shabbos Table - click HERE   
  • RZA HaMizrachi Parsha - click HERE
  • Rabbi Dr. Lamm z'l - click HERE
  • Anshe Divrei Torah - click HERE
  • Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z'l - click HERE
  • YUTorah in Print - click HERE


  • Anonymous
  • Susan Baranker
  • Shana & Nachshon Block
  • Naftali Bodoff
  • Nava Silton & Ariel Brandwein and Family
  • Paul Casowitz
  • Rebbeca Davis & Percy Deift
  • Dr. Leon Eisen
  • Aviva & Matthew Engel
  • Etra Family
  • Julie Feldman & Joshua Rosenfeld
  • Elana Flaumenhaft
  • Rachel and Hindy Gidali
  • Johnny Glaser & Tammy Fried Glaser
  • Steven Gross
  • Moshe Grunhaus
  • Regina, Brook, William and Rebecca Haberman
  • Bradley S. Hames
  • Leslie & Ari Hirsch
  • Tsivia & Tal Fishman
  • The Honig Family
  • Yael, Chad, Lily, Talia, Aliza, and Alana Hopkovitz
  • Nicky, Dovid, Hilly and Lambchop Debora
  • Sheryl Galler & Allen Katz
  • Marsha & Ira Kevelson
  • Bezalel Kosofsky
  • Kramer Family
  • Jennie Kraut
  • Yocheved Lauwick & Tali Truzman
  • Sarah & Michael Lefkovits
  • Norman Letow
  • Gabe & Anat Levi
  • Sarah & Eric London
  • Sarah & Stuart Milstein
  • Leonard Brauner & Beth Moritz
  • Blair & Eddie Izso
  • Steven Nathan
  • Rachel and Joseph Offenbacher
  • David Pfeffermann
  • Tina & Doron Zollman
  • Zachary, Daniel & Yonah Prensky
  • Beverly & Evan Markowitz
  • Nechama Rosenberg
  • Ari & Merav Samuel
  • Jessica Schechter, Charlie, Judy Lily, anD Ahron Herring
  • Rabbi Allen & Alisa Schwartz
  • Anna & Todd Schwartz
  • Mara Stulberger
  • Sally Sultan
  • Jay & Zohara Taragin
  • Carol & Joe Tuchman
  • Avi Truzman
  • Esther & Rabbi Jack Varon
  • Yoni & Karyn Vega
  • Yehuda Weinstock
  • Shira Silton & David Wildman

  • Matanot Le’Evyonim — support those in need in our local community and in Israel
  • Singles Chesed Event — Bikur Cholim Purim Packing:
  • Purim Shanghai Seudah — Join our festive Chinese Buffet:
  • Youth Events — Join us for a Grager Make, Hamantash Bake, and Purim Chagigah!

Bulletin Board


Welcome New Members!

  • Jay & Stacey Barth
  • Mimi Margolit      
  • Gregory & Tobi Parnes

Mazel Tov

  • Johanna & Robbie Herskowitz, on the upcoming wedding of their daughter Daniella and Isaac Inkeles
  • Leah & Ari Feldman, on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter Aliza

Views from the Pews with Gerry Adler

  • “The Challenge of Fixed Texts: Have we lost the original understanding on ‘Begin with Disgrace and End with Glory’?“
  • Gerry Adler, a practicing lawyer, was a partner in various major law firms and currently serves as interim general counsel to Sky Harbour Group. Gerry, a lifelong student, is a graduate of Yeshiva College and Columbia University School of Law. 

 Pre-Purim Persian Kiddush

  • Ben & Michele Cooper, thank you to the OZ Community for your hospitality to Shabbat visitors!
  • Percy Deift & Rebecca Davis, in memory of Shoshana bat Zelkind and Hannah bat Moshe Leib z’l
  • Allen Katz & Sheryl Galler, in Memory of Sheryl's Grandfather Moshe Eliezer ben Dovid z’l, whose Yarzheit is on Purim
  • Eddie & Blair Izso, In honor of Rabbi & Rebetzin Schwartz - Chag Purim Sameach!
  • Marsha & Ira Kevelson to commemorate the Yahrzeits of Marsha's parents Harriet Lifshitz, Chana bat Mordechai Zalman z'l and Norman Lifshitz, Nachum ben Shimon z'l and of Ira's mother Ray Kevelson, Raitza bat Menachem z'l
  • Prensky family in memory of Max & Mildred Chessin z’l
  • Steven Sieratzki, in memory of his father, Moshe Aharon ben Shlomo z’l
  • Shai Canaan & Sarah Slatky, In honor of the birth of our son Ori Joshua Canaan
  • Sarah Stambler, in honor of my husband Shlomo - a model Mason & Jew
  • Jay & Zohara Taragin, who are fortunate to celebrate family birthdays at OZ!
  • Naftali Bodoff
  • David & Nicky Debora
  • Matthew & Aviva Engel
  • Etra Family
  • Johnny Glaser & Tammy Fried Glase
  • Moshe Grunhaus
  • Chad & Yael Hopkovitz
  • Ari & Leslie Hirsch
  • Steven Nathan
  • Yossi Shraibman
  • Anonymous

 Hashkama Kiddush

  • Yehuda & Annette Fishman, in memory of Yehuda’s mother Shoshanna bat Yaakov z’l & sister Tova bat Yosef z’

Sunday Morning Daf Yomi Breakfast

  • Joseph Scutts, in honor of his Grandfather’s 5th Yarzeit - The breakfast is in Blessed memory of Rabbi Ephraim Tita (Ephraim Chaim Ben Yosef) z’l

Yad Leah Clothing Drive


Friday , March 3 , 2023 (Adar 10)

  • Shacharis  6:10am, 7:00am, 8:00am
  • 5:31pm  Candle Lighting
  • 5:40pm  Zman Minyan w/Chazan Mandelbaum

Shabbat, March 4 (Adar 11)

  • 7:30am Hashkama Minyan in Bet Medrash
  • 8:45am Haftorah Class w/Rabbi Schwartz
  • 9:15am Main Minyan, w/Chazan Mandelbaum,
    • Views from the Pews with Gerry Adler
    • Extra Zachor reading
    • Purim in Persia Kiddush
  • 4:30pm Parsha Class
  • 5:00pm Afternoon Zachor Reading
  • 5:10pm Mincha
  • 5:30pm Seudah Shlishit w/Chazan Mandelbaum
  • 6:30pm Maariv
  • 6:40pm Havdalah
  • 7:30pm Parent Child Learning + Siyum!

Sunday, March 5 (Adar 12)

  • Shacharis 7:00am, 8:00am in Main Shul
  • 9:00am Daf Yomi & Breakfast in Library
  • 11:00am Youth Event in Social Hall
  • 12:00pm Bikur Cholim Event in Bet Medrash
  • 5:40pm Zman Mincha Maariv

Monday, March 6 (Adar 13)  - Taanis Esther

  • 5:11am Fast Starts
  • Shacharis 6:00am (MS), 6:45am, 7:45am
  • 5:25pm Zman Mincha Maariv
  • 6:25pm Maariv & Megillah in Main Shul
  • 6:33pm Fast Ends
  • Followed by: Break-fast in Lobby
  • Youth: Epic Chagiga in the Bet Medrash
  • 9:00pm Late Megillah

Tuesday, March 7 (Adar 14) - Purim

  • Shacharis 5:45 [MS] , 6:30 [BM], 7:30 [MS], 9:00 [MS]
  • 11:00am Late Megillah in Main Shul
  • 1:30pm Early Mincha
  • 4:00pm Shanghai Seudah (RSVP Required)
  • 5:40pm Zman Mincha Maariv in Main Shul
  • 8:00pm Late Maariv

Wednesday, March 8 (Adar 15) - Shushan Purim

  • Shacharis 6:10am, 7:00am, 8:00am
  • 2:00pm Tzurba: Kosher
  • 5:40pm Zman Mincha Maariv
  • 6:30pm Discover Judaism
  • 8:00pm Late Maariv
  • 9:00pm Women’s Emunah on Zoom

Thursday, March 9 (Adar 16)

  • Shacharis 6:00am, 6:50am, 7:50am
  • 5:40pm Zman Mincha Maariv
  • 7:00pm Bible Behind the Scenes
  • 8:00pm Late Maariv + Cholent

Friday, March 10 (Adar 17)

  • Shacharis 6:00am, 6:50am, 7:50am
  • 5:39pm Candle Lighting
  • 5:50pm Zman Mincha Maariv
  • 7:00pm Teen Parshas Parah “Meat & Greet”

Stay Up-To-Date

Men’s Daf Yomi -

  • Sunday: 8:45am, Monday-Friday: 7:00am
  • Shabbat: after Mincha, Yom Tov: before Mincha



  • For much of our early history, humans believed that communication with, or at least from,  the supernatural was possible.  The messages received in such ways could teach us, individually and collectively, how to live wisely, morally, politically, and militarily.  Few of us believe we have direct access to such transcendent sources today.  We tend to use our understanding of logic, mathematics, natural experience, human or even artificial, scientific research, and reasoned argument to decide how to live as persons and as societies. But there are exceptions: the appreciation of beauty in art and nature as well as love in romance and friendship. Hence, clarity and certitude in these areas sometimes seem to come from something, someplace, or even someone beyond us. 
Reflections on Exodus 28:30
  • THE URIM AND THE THUMMIM — This was an inscription of the Proper Name of God which was placed between the folds (i. e. the two pieces forming the front and back) of the breast-plate through which it (the breast-plate) made its statements clear (lit., illuminated its words; מאיר from אור, light, this being an allusion to the אורים) and its promises true (מתמם from the root תמם, an allusion to תמים) (Yoma 73b). In the second Temple, there was certainly the breastplate (although other objects employed in the Temple Service were missing), for it was impossible that the High Priest should have lacked a garment, but that Divine Name was not within it. It was on account of the inscription which constituted the Urim and Thummim and which enabled it to give decisions that it was called “judgment”, as it is said (Numbers 27:21) “And he shall enquire for him by the judgment of the Urim” (Numbers 27:21).
  • [AND AARON SHALL BEAR] THE JUDGMENT OF THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL — the object by means of which they are judged and admonished whether they should do a particular thing or whether they should not do it. But according to the Midrashic statement (Zevachim 88b) that the breastplate atoned for those who pervert judgment, it was called “judgment” in allusion to the pardon thus given for perverse judgment.
  •  “Aaron will bear the judgment of the Children of Israel on his heart;” i.e., he will inform G-d of the needs of the Jewish people so that he can give them guidance; we have encountered the term משפט in this sense Deuteronomy 18,3, as well as in Kings I 8,59 in Solomon’s blessing of the people after the consecration of the Temple he had built in Jerusalem.
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784