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Rabbi’s Blog: Mazel Tov, Meet & Greet, and Mitzvah Opportunities

08/02/2022 01:56:19 PM


Dear OZ family,


Alisa joins me in expressing our profound gratitude for the wonderfully warm Mazel Tov wishes we have received for Mindy and Yoni’s son. It’s hard to believe that our baby has had a baby. Every child born to our family is a slap of revenge at what the Germans did to my father’s parents’ lineage. May our grandson go to the Covenant of Avraham in a good time.


We wish a hearty bon voyage to Rivka & Yoann Mallet and their four children as they make their long-anticipated Aliyah today. We will miss them and look forward to keeping in touch.  


A few communal reminders. Please remember that Aug. 23rd is primary day. If all politics is local, then we certainly should exercise our right to have a say in the future of our neighborhood. Two members of Congress, who are running against each other, Jerrold Nadler and Carolyn Maloney, will both be visiting Ohab Zedek at the end of services to meet people at Kiddush. Rep. Nadler will be here this Shabbos (Aug. 6), and Rep. Maloney will visit next Shabbos (Aug. 13). They won’t be speaking, but they just want to meet and greet.


Also, this is a reminder to sign up for the OZ team for the Rabin Medical Center’s annual 5K Schlep in Central Park, for cervical and breast cancer research on Aug. 21st. OZ raised the most money last year for this worthy cause and we hope to maintain our record. Finally, Aug. 28th, which is Rosh Chodesh Elul, is set aside as a Mitzvah day at OZ. There will be Mitzva options here on the West Side as well as an opportunity to register to do much needed maintenance work at the shul’s grounds of the Beth El Cemetery, in Paramus New Jersey. If you can spend a few hours on the 28th doing mostly gardening work, please contact the shul office and we’ll reserve a place for you.  


May we celebrate many simchot together in good health. Be healthy and excellent.

Rabbi Allen Schwartz


Rabbi Allen Schwartz

Congregation Ohab Zedek

118 West 95th Street | New York, NY  10025-6604

Phone 212.749-5150, ext 200 | Fax 212.663-3635





Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784