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Rabbi's Blog: Baruch Hashem It's Shabbos!

08/12/2022 11:26:16 AM


Dear OZ family,


This is one of 10 Parshiyot of the Torah that makes reference to Shabbat. It is the holiest day of the year for us. The Shabbat davening is the showcase of any shul and it is the day that brings out the best in us. Recently, the newly revived 95th Street Block Association asked me for the holiday dates so that a street fair they are planning would not coincide with Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur or Sukkot. I asked what day they were planning and I was given a series of dates-all on Shabbat!! Fortunately, I was able to convince the planners that every Shabbat is holier than all three of the other more famous holidays, so look for a street fair on a Sunday sometime in the Fall. 


I invite everyone to join us for a very special Shabbat and to enjoy Sammy Berlin lain Parshat V’etchanan to celebrate his becoming a Bar Mitzvah. To join with the Simcha, I am sending a very special 5 minute clip (link below and on WhatsApp) about the transition from weekday to Shabbat. Enjoy!... and Mazel Tov to Jack & Arielle Berlin and Benjy and all their family and guests who are here to celebrate with Sammy.


Video clip:


Stay well and healthy - and Shabbat Shalom!

Rabbi Allen Schwartz




Rabbi Allen Schwartz

Congregation Ohab Zedek

118 West 95th Street

New York, NY  10025-6604

Phone 212.749-5150, ext 200 






Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784