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Rebbetzin's Blog - For August 4

08/04/2023 10:58:57 AM



Dear OZ Family,

Today's date, August 4th has great significance for me.  It marks two years since I finished treatment for breast cancer.  I am extremely grateful to Hashem for restoring me back to good health, and to the entire OZ community for your prayers, kindness and good wishes during that difficult time.  I feel very blessed to be part of such a loving and supportive community.

To celebrate my good fortune I have once again invited OZ to participate in the Rabin Medical Center 5K 2023 Schlep in Central Park.  I will still be in Israel on August 20th, the day of the Schlep, and I have asked Nicky Deborah and Shira Silton to lead Team OZ, and they have graciously agreed.

If you would like to schlep with Nicky and Shira, please register at  

I would like to thank all of you who already made a donation.  Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

If you haven't donated yet and would like to please visit .  We  need your help to reach our fundraising goal.

May our participation in this event be a segula for all those in our community who need a refuah.

Tizku L'mitzvot and Shabbat Shalom from Netanya

Reb. Alisa Schwartz

Wed, September 18 2024 15 Elul 5784