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Rabbi’s Blog - Israel: Above Nature + NORPAC

10/23/2023 05:19:34 PM


Dear OZ family,


Israel has a unity government, there have been no protests in Israel the last two weeks, you cannot find a pair of tzitzis in Israel because there is a run on them for soldiers, and incredible acts of chesed and mesirus nefesh abound throughout the country.


We are told that the coming days and weeks are going to be extremely difficult for us, according to the natural order of things. But Israel is not given to the common orders of nature. Everything there is “L’ma’alah min Hateva”, above the laws of nature. That’s why they don’t teach the 6 Day War at West Point, because they say that what happened is so beyond the scope of expected military outcomes as to be of no use for military strategists. God is watching


Beit Elazraki, where Alisa and I spend our summers, is a children’s home and orphanage in Netanya. Yehuda Kohn, the director, told me that there are 46 graduates of the home who are currently serving in the army, and he cares for every single one of them as he would for his own child. Yehuda and his wife, Ricky are like parents to thousands of children who have come through their program. Three of their own children have been at the front lines of this battle, and Yehuda told me that one of his sons hasn’t taken off his shoes since Simchas Torah. There is incredible mesirus nefesh in Israel and this is a good time for us to pick up on our own commitments to Torah (shiurim) Avoda (minyanim) and Gemilus Chassadim and charity. God is watching.


Please review some of last week’s materials that I sent out and thank our representatives who have been very positive for Israel in her time of need. Below I have posted a recommendation from NORPAC to reach out to our Senator's office.


Stay well and healthy.


Rabbi Allen Schwartz  



Rabbi Allen Schwartz

Congregation Ohab Zedek

118 West 95th Street | New York, NY  10025-6604

Phone 212.749-5150, ext 200 | Fax 212.663-3635




Dear Friends,
We are writing with an urgent request for your help TODAY. Trudy Stern, the President of NORPAC New York, has been in touch with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand's office since the war began. Unfortunately, the Senator’s office is being inundated with emails in opposition to her support for Israel.
It is imperative at this time that the Senator receives an outpouring of support from the pro-Israel community, thanking her for her unwavering support of Israel, and her pledge to make sure that Israel has everything she needs from the US to win this horrific battle. 


As you may know, Senator Gillibrand has been a staunch supporter of Israel and the Jewish people during these unprecedented times. She was instrumental in getting the first shipment of arms to Israel in the first few days of the war and has led a group of Senators in calling for the immediate replenishment of the Iron Dome and, additionally, that the United States support Israel in all of its military efforts. She has also called for significant funds to boost security at religious institutions at home, and that the US government do everything it can to secure the release of the hostages being held in Gaza, including the Americans being held hostage.  


Please send an email to Senator Gillibrand’s office today to: (

In the subject line, put:

Please make sure that Senator Gillibrand Sees this

Dear Senator Gillibrand,

Thank you so much for your unwavering support of Israel and for taking the lead in the Senate to make sure that Israel gets the military aid that she needs to win this horrific war. Standing with Israel and your Jewish constituents, against this terror and the atrocities that Hamas committed, is very appreciated. It is times like these when having you as our representative in the US Senate really matters. Thank you for everything that you are doing for Israel and for the Jewish communities of New York. 





Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784