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OZ Chevra Appeal: A Zechus to support ZAKA

12/19/2023 10:51:42 AM


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Dear friends,

Much of the work of the Chevra Kaddisha is done privately, with the utmost respect shown to the deceased, by volunteers who selflessly give of their time for this effort.

Since the horrific attacks of Oct. 7, ZAKA has worked tirelessly and publicly under unimaginable circumstances with sensitivity and urgency - handling and identifying the remains or terror victims to ensure proper Jewish burial.

The Chevra does not actively fundraise but we do now at this moment ask for your generosity in supporting the work of ZAKA in Israel.

Donations can be made at - choose “Donation: Chesed Fund” and make sure to designate ZAKA in the memo. The Rabbi will distribute these funds next week during his trip to Israel.

Thank you for participating in this Chesed Shel Emes.

Rabbi Allen Schwartz
George Lloyd, Men’s Chevra
Rikki Gross, Women’s Chevra


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784