Shabbos, January 7 (Tevet 14)| VaYechi 7:30am Hashkama (in Main Shul) 8:45am Haftorah Class NOT Meeting 9:15am Main Minyan w/Chazan Ari Mandelbaum Youth Groups in the School Building Delicious Kiddush in the Bet Medrash 3:30pm Text & Context 4:05pm Minchain Main Shul 4:25pm Men's Daf Yomi (in Library) 4:25pm Shalosh Seudos in Bet Medrash 5:25pm Maariv in Main Shul 5:34pm Havdalah
Sunday, January 8 (Tevet 15) Shacharis 7:00am, 8:00am in Main Shul 8:45am Men’s Daf Yomi 4:35pm Zman Mincha Maariv
Monday, January 9 (Tevet 16) Shacharis 6:15am, 6:50am, 7:50am 8:45am Men's Daf Yomi 4:35pm Zman Mincha Maariv 8:00pm Late Maariv 8:00pm Women’s Emunah Group on Zoom
Tuesday, January 10 (Tevet 17) Shacharis 6:15am, 6:50am, 7:50am 4:35pm Zman Mincha Maariv 7:30pm TNLP on Zoom 8:00pm Late Maariv
Wednesday, January 11 (Tevet 18) Shacharis 6:15am, 7:00am, 8:00am 7:00am Men's Daf Yomi 4:35pm Zman Mincha Maariv 8:00pm Late Maariv 8:00pm Women’s Emunah Group on Zoom
Thursday, January 12 (Tevet 19) Shacharis 6:15am, 6:50am, 7:50am 7:00am Men's Daf Yomi 4:35pm Zman Mincha Maariv 7:00pm Bible Behind The Scenes: Exodus 8:00pm Late Maariv
Most traditional monotheists believe that G'd has a will; that is, wants human beings to do or avoid specific actions. They also believe that this will is made known to us, in part or in whole, either by direct commandments given in prophecy or by human reason, or a combination of both. The source of any confusion we have about the Divine will, then, comes from our own inability to clearly and directly perceive or understand these Divine commandments, laws, etc, either as they are given to us or as they have been recorded by others whom we trust. Since we are not prophets, we have to rely on traditions and the use of our reason. A problem arises: there are multiple traditions and understandings of even a single tradition, and also human reason has hardly been infallible. This makes being sure that we know the Divine will be problematic.
Ask yourself: Are there, or were there, people you believe did understand the Divine will? Do you believe that your own action is, in any way, governed by rules or laws that transcend your individual will or the will of a group that is important to you--family, society, humanity? What do you think is their source? Do you think or believe that thought or reality somehow discloses these to you? How?
Reflections on traditional answers to the question " Did the early founding figures of the Jewish people keep the Torah?"
Genesis 18:19 For I have singled him out, that he may instruct his children and his posterity to keep the way of יהוה by doing what is just and right, in order that יהוה may bring about for Abraham what has been promised him.”
Genesis 26: 5 inasmuch as Abraham obeyed Me and kept My charge: My commandments, My laws, and My teachings.”
Congregation Ohab Zedek 118 West 95th Street New York, NY 10025