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Chesed @ oz

Contact for more information 

  • Dorot - Carrie Jacobs
  • Tomchei Shabbos - Glenn Richter
  • Clothing Drive - Gitty Flamenbaum
  • Shiva Minyan - Jeff Korenman
  • Hospital Visits - Charles Milo
  • Seniors visits at home - Esther Rimokh 
  • Pediatric hospital visits - Vivian Adler 
  • Hatzalah - George Lloyd
  • Chevra Kadisha: Men - Adam Resnick 
  • Chevra Kadisha: Women - Rikki Gross
  • Shiva / Misaskim - Office
  • Chaveirim - Office
  • Shaimos - Office

For information about the OZ Chesed Fund & Interest Free Micro-Loan Program, please contact Rabbi Allen Schwartz

Volunteer Opportunities

There are different ways to get involved and fill roles the shul needs assistance with.

Contact for more information

  • High Holidays Seat Ushers & Greeters
  • Assemble Rosh Hashaha Gift Packets
  • Assemble Mishloach Manot Packets
  • MLK Day Activity
  • Pesach Food Deliveries
  • Home bound visits & shopping
  • Shavuot Flowers
  • Shiva Minyan
  • Sort through Shaimos
  • Decorate the Sukkah
  • Reading of the Names on Yom HaShoah
  • Assist with Office Mailings and Call Campaigns
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784